State Forensic Examination Committee
of the Republic of Belarus

Objectivity. Honor. Motherland.

Official site


The fight against corruption in the Republic of Belarus is the most important task of the state.

The basic document, which is organized on the basis of anti-corruption activities in our country, is the Law of the Republic of Belarus "On Combating Corruption"..

Corruption is considered to be an important socio-political problem, which reduces the rate of economic growth. The offenses committed by officials, and especially of corruption, causing significant damage to the authority of state power, impede the proper functioning of state power and administration, as well as the machine's control of other bodies and organizations regardless of ownership, undermining the citizens' trust in the power structures.

Belarus has formed an irreconcilable position of the state anti-corruption and its criminal manifestations.

According to Article 1 the Law "On Combating Corruption" Corruption - the intentional use of a public official or an equivalent person or a foreign official of his official position and related opportunities to the wrongful acquisition of property or other benefits in the form of works, services, patronage , promise benefits for themselves or for third parties, as well as bribery of a public official or equated to his person or foreign official by providing property or other benefits in the form of works, services, protection, promises benefits to them or to third parties in order to a public official or an equivalent person or a foreign official to act or refrain from acting in the exercise of their official (employment) duties, as well as the commission of such acts on behalf of or for the benefit of a legal entity, including a foreign language.

In accordance with Article 16 of the Law "On Combating Corruption" public official, the person applying for the position of a public official, in order to avoid actions that could lead to the use of his official position and related opportunities and based on it authority for personal, group, and other off-duty interests, given the obligation to comply with the restrictions laid down in articles 17 - 20 of the above Act, and are made aware of the legal consequences of failure to perform such obligations.

The obligation of a public official, a person applying for the position of a public official, shall be in writing personnel service the appropriate state body, an organization. Failure to sign such a commitment entails the refusal to register as a candidate for the position of a public official, in the appointment of a public official or the release of a public official from office in accordance with the procedure established by legislative acts.

Officials of the relevant public authority personnel service, an organization for failure to fulfill their assigned duties for registration of a written commitment by a public official, a person applying for employment of a public official positions, or failure to familiarize public officials with their requirements are subject to disciplinary action in the procedure established by legislative acts.

On these violations and other misconduct by employees (civilian persons) of the State Committee for forensic examinations can be reported by telephone own safety management: 8 (017) 308-65-15 or at the place of their service.

Information on the officials of the Directorate of Internal security

Post Official Address Phone number
The Head of the Directorate of Internal Security Aleksander Kolesenko 43 Kalvariyskaya St., Minsk
Chief Inspectors of the Directorate of Internal Security Brest region 75-312 Gogol St., Brest 8 (0162) 20-72-50
Vitebsk region 12-121 Gagarina St., Vitebsk 8 (0212) 43-24-15
Gomel region 5A-33 Kozhara St., Gomel 8 (0232) 58-11-51
Grodno region 60-17 Cosmonavtov St., Grodno 8 (0152) 75-58-98
Mogilev region 58а-24 Lazarenko St., Mogilev 8 (0222) 72-20-79
Minsk 12-315 Fabricius St., Minsk 8 (017) 239-40-46
Minsk region 60-7-19 Kizhevatova St., Minsk 8 (017) 372-02-48