Born in 1979 in Minsk.
In 2000 he graduated from the educational institution "Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus", in 2022 - the Academy of public administration under the President of the Republic of Belarus.
In 2000-2008 he held various positions in the main department of internal affairs of the Minsk City Executive Committee.
In 2008-2022 he served in the national security bodies of the Republic of Belarus.
In April 2022 he was appointed Deputy Chairman of the State Forensic Examination Committee.
He was awarded medals For Impeccable Service III, II and I classes.
- responsible for the general management of the General Directorate of Finance and Logistics, Directorate of Licensing and Certification, Directorate of Informatization and Communication, Directorate of Mobilization Training and Operational Desk Service of the Central Office of the State Committee;
- organizes the work on creation of information systems, databases, data banks and ensures their operation, as well as in the established order provides access to the information systems, databases, data banks of other government agencies, including law enforcement;
- supervises the issuance, extension, termination and cancelation of special permits (licenses) for carrying out forensic activities, monitors compliance with the legislation on licensing, license requirements and conditions;
- exercises other authority provided by the Law of the Republic of Belarus of July 15, 2015 №293-3 "On the State Forensic Examination Committee of the Republic of Belarus" and other legislative acts.